Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So I have decided to take Dr Oz Sugar Detox diet and his 28 Day Soda Challenge! I am going to try to eliminate unhealthy sugar out of my diet and soda... AWH this is going to be so stinking hard but I believe I can do it!! Recenlty I have just been eating/drinking/slurpeeing ALL the sugar I can get (doesnt help that my man HAS to have at least 2 candy bars a day or brownies/cookies/ice cream) I love him but he is not helpful!! So since I am moving to St Geezy for a month and he will be 6 hours away I am going to try this out.. :D Hopefully I will see my cravings go down and my energy go up.. Who knows though... So this is day one with no Sugary treats!! 
Well I should write what I consider sugar that I am going to stay away from..
-baked desserts
-sugary cereal (this includes granola with high sugar content :(
- baked goods with crazy amounts of sugar (doughnuts, cinn. rolls, ect.)
-ice cream 
So this is what I am going to try.. I may slip up, but I am going to try hard not to.. Have any of you tried to eliminate sugar? Helpful Tips?
Much ♥

Saturday, April 16, 2011


So I am going to start to diet again. I wouldn’t so much consider it a DIET but I am eating off the wall recently and need to get things undercontrol!! I am also stopping drinking.. Totally hinders what I am going for in my life... :D I am going to start by doing a 5 day “detox” using Isagenix. Than I am going to slowly start adding food into my diet. When i begin my re-intergrating food into my diet its going to include veggies, protein, and fruit.. hardly any carbs till the next week!! I think it will be good for me to recognize hunger, eat healthier, and fuel my body with good things..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


December Goals:
1- No eating out if its just you
2- Study micro
3- Read 1 book per week
4- hit up the gym often and hard
5- Eat healthy
6- Drink more H20
7- Eat less sugar ( :( desserts)